Four Hands Massage
Asian Oriental Four Hands Massage in TW9 Richmond
When 2 specialists massage your body, this type of massage can't be compared with anything of this type. Elite spa and massage salons offer this service now but this is not just a fashionable trend, but this is the service that works like magic. The best Asian therapists work facing each other. The one of them usually begins his work as a leader, while the second one follows performing his work as an assistant. There are a lot of techniques that are involved in this type of massage. You may like, Swedish style techniques, for instance, the combination of short and long strokes, which will make you relaxed and you will give you a feeling of tranquility.
When massage is performed with four hands massage, the therapists can adapt it to the needs of the patient and pay more attention to the places that cause problems.
Those who tried the service were so excited about it that they became our regulars. Who doesn't like to be pampered by two experts simultaneously, ready to share their healing energy with you? Their excellent skills, precious knowledge and superb performance will revive you within one massage session!
During four hands massage every expert can concentrate on some specific area of the body and you will get it all over. If this is you first time I assure you that it is hard to compare it with something else. This is excellent! Both therapists move synchronically and this regular rhyme is also very important. This is a powerful means that will present piece of mind for you and will bring you relief.